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Bouteille en plastique déchet


plastic pollution

Plastic pollution is a major environmental problem affecting our planet. It occurs when plastics are discarded or left in the environment, where they do not degrade quickly and can persist for hundreds of years.

Plastic is particularly problematic in the oceans, where it collects in areas called "gyres". These areas are characterized by circular ocean currents that attract and concentrate plastic debris. Marine animals can mistake the pieces of plastic for food, which can lead to their death by ingestion or suffocation.

Danger of plastic for humans

Plastic pollution also has consequences for human health. The chemicals in plastic can be toxic and build up in food chains. As a result, these chemicals can reach humans who consume contaminated food.

Plastic bottles can be dangerous to humans due to the presence of potentially harmful chemicals that can migrate from plastic into the water or beverages they contain. These chemicals include bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates, which are endocrine disruptors.

It is therefore important to choose plastic water bottles without BPA or phthalates or to use alternatives such as glass or stainless steel bottles, or to consume tap water filtered with activated vegetable carbon.

Vegetable/active carbon: an ally for filtering running water

Activated carbon can be used in conjunction with glass or stainless steel bottles to filter tap water and make it purer. In this way, it is possible to reduce the consumption of disposable plastic bottles while guaranteeing quality drinking water.

filtre à gourde nomade X 4

French Activated Charcoal Stick x3

Water Bottle Filter x2


charbon actif végétal filtre à eau
lot de 2 filtres à eau au charbon


Super Activated Charcoal Pellets x2


zéro plastique


1L plastic bottles per person

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